Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Airlift C-47 on the Roof of the Deutsches Technikmuseum in Berlin, 13 x 16 inch ink, watercolor and colored pencil painting by George C. Clark    UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ART COLLECTION

Here is another painting from my visit to Germany last summer, although I painted this one recently from photographs I took on-site.  This American military transport plane is suspended by cables from a crane-like gantry over the roof of the new Deutsches Technikmuseum (what we would call a Museum of Science and Industry) in Berlin.   It is both a part of the museum's aviation collection and a salute to the Allied Airlift that saved the city when the Russians cut off ground transportation in 1948-9.  The plane is cantilevered to hang out over the facade of the building.  The photo below shows what it looks like when you are approaching the museum at ground level.  It's pretty spectacular.
Deutsches Technikmuseum in Berlin,  photo by George C. Clark