Sunday, September 4, 2011


Garden in Wannsee, Germany, 9.5 x 6.5 ink and watercolor by George C. Clark    SOLD

One of the most interesting places I visited on my recent trip to Germany was the house the great painter Max Liebermann built on the shore of the Wannsee outside of Berlin in 1910 and where he worked every summer until his death in 1935.  After decades in private hands, the house has been acquired by the state, restored to its ca. 1912 look, and opened as a museum, the Villa-Liebermann am Wannsee.  It features changing exhibitions (currently a show of Liebermann's on-site art from various northern European beaches), but in the the second-floor room that was Lieberman's studio there is a permanent display of paintings he created in the house or on its beautifully landscaped grounds.  It is rare to see art displayed at the very location it depicts.

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